Monday, November 9, 2009

Unicorns Vs Pegasuses

I'm David, and I'm one of the artists taking part in a big gallery show called Exhibitchin'! I don't know when or where the show's going to be on yet, but it is going to be awesome and, indeed, bitchin'.

My fiance Sarah is also going to be in the Exhibitchin'!, and so we had a discussion last night about whether unicorns are bitchin'. I think they are. They appear in a lot of fantasy art, and they're basically horses but with a big pointy horn in the middle of their heads. If the horn shot flames, that'd be even more bitchin', but surely just the horn is enough.

She's not sure what she's going to draw for Exhibitchin'!, so, knowing she's always liked unicorns, I suggested she draw one, maybe a FLYING one (flying is bitchin').

She was against this, because traditionally unicorns should not be able to fly. The PEGASUS is a horse that can fly. So I suggested she draw a pegasus flying through the air, towing a unicorn below it on a rope, like how helicopters carry things.

While pegasuses (what's the plural?) are bitchin', almost as bitchin' is the Aussie band PEGAZUS (note the "z"), who use the image of a pegasus on most, if not all, their album covers, and who play classic heavy metal with tap solos and about sixteen bass drum pedals. Listen to them here.

Sarah wondered if guinea pigs were bitchin'. I think they are, but only if they have a realistically blank expression on their face. If they're animated guinea pigs with "tude", they are not bitchin'.

I suggested some blank-faced guinea pigs could maybe be parachuting off the back of the towed unicorn, shooting flamethrowers (fire is bitchin'). I'm not sure if she's going to do this or not.

Hopefully soon we'll have posts here from other artists involved in the Exhibitchin'!, such as Sarah, Ben Hutchings and Pat Grant.

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